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Archive for the 'tomatoes' tag

Vegetable Salad

Lettuce, onions,cucumber, tomatoes and grapes. Yumm-o.

vegetable salad

I love vegetable salads and this one was unique because it was prepared by a friend and shared by friends too.

My youngest child eats this kind of food because I prepare this at home too. My little boy is not fond of vegetable salad though and seems like he has built-in radar detectors and hides every time I call him to taste the vegetable salads I have prepared 😀


Tomatoes and Eggplant Pasta

Eggplants, garlic, onions and tomatoes cooked in a little olive oil for my spaghetti noodles. A little less sodium oyster sauce to add flavor.


The kids ate this, in fact they even enjoyed it because they had clean plates after a few minutes.

I don’t think I’d be needing a quick weight loss program if I eat like this. But if I reach for that chocolate bar for dessert…

Happy weekend!