Spiky Bud
May 4th 2010greenbucksAround the Metro & Environment & Philippines & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
May 4th 2010greenbucksAround the Metro & Environment & Philippines & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
Oct 28th 2009greenbucksEnvironment & Philippines & Photos & travel & Wordless Wednesday
Jun 28th 2009greenbucksThoughts & travel
Summer has come and gone and hubby and I have yet to take a vacation. Not that I am swamped with too much work but hey, being a special ed teacher, a homeschooling mother, a home manager (yes, that would be me) and a farmer (LOL!) makes me a very busy person.
Yes, I need a vacation too. No, I didn’t consider having all three kids away for more than a month last summer a personal vacation.
I want, no make that, NEED a vacation. Days spent at the beach would be nice. A cruise would be perfect too! Even a mountain retreat for a few days would be very much appreciated.
Would i enjoy these? Perhaps, I will enjoy one of these dream vacations, when I am not worrying about the kids being left at home.
Who says they are coming with me?
Mar 11th 2009greenbucksThoughts & travel & Urban Living
There is a one week break, if I am not mistaken from April 6 – 12. Yes, the April 9 Day of Valour (Araw ng Kagitingan) has been moved earlier to add another no-work day for that particular weekis in the Holy Week itself.
I hope the soldiers who risked their lives for the freedom in this country are not turning in their graves nor wanting to come out of it and pull the leg of whoever thought of making this kind of disservice to their memory.
Anyway, hubby and I were talking about what we would do. He was thinking of going to the City of Pines but of course, he certainly jests, for I would “bet” that that place would be packed to the brim. Yes, instead of breathing fresh mountain air, we might even feel we didn’t leave this megapolitan place.
So where to? Continue Reading »
Mar 3rd 2009greenbucksEnvironment & For Information & Thoughts & Urban Living
I can feel the pressure building around my shoulders.
Friday is the day we submit the grades for my homeschooling children and we have not completed all task that needs to be completed.
To think I have to make two progress reports for two of my students due for re-evaluation with their developmental pediatrician.
Not that I am complaining but I know I have to make a whole lot of progress reports once I take the first step necessary to be able to do what I intend to do with my other work place.