Winter Tree
Nov 17th 2009greenbucksEnvironment & Philippines & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
Nov 17th 2009greenbucksEnvironment & Philippines & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
Oct 9th 2009greenbucksFood and Dining & Food Friday & Photos
Aug 2nd 2009greenbucksFood and Dining & Thoughts
For me, the most important areas in homes and restaurants, particularly in the kitchen, are the kitchen sinks. Of course, this is where all food preparations from washing the food to cleaning the utensils are done.
Although not all the food photos I have here in this blog were not made in our kitchen, I must say that cleanliness and care in food preparation should be of utmost importance. And that goes to every kitchen.
I shudder just thinking about those icky yucky kitchen featured in some television shows with hidden cameras. Ewww.
Jun 18th 2009greenbucksThoughts
Being a homeowner is not easy. For me this not just mean doing house chores but maintaining the parts of the house all functioning accordingly. This reminds me then of our leaking living room ceiling which has been time and again a headache for us.
One time when my hubby and I were discussing about the pros and cons of having a condo unit against getting a real house, he mentioned something about getting home insurance quotes for houses.
I asked why this is needed. He explained that buying a house is a very big investment and therefore needs protection.
Yes, I agree but can we do something about the leak first?
Apr 16th 2009greenbucksPhilippines & Photos & Visualizations & Wordless Wednesday