Nissan 350Z
Aug 18th 2008greenbucksMotoring
Aug 18th 2008greenbucksMotoring
Aug 17th 2008greenbucksBlogging101 & Memetag & Money Watch & Philippines & Photos
Some Rules:
1. You can include in the post a picture of your favorite soap or the soap you are currently using.
2. Please post this in the blog which you will add in the “blogs that joined.” You can add unlimitted number of blogs as long as this tag is posted there.
3. Please link back to the person who tagged you and pass this tag to many of your friends.
4. If you have more than one blog, please post this to all of your blogs so your other blogs can be listed to the master list too.
5. Remember to come back here at DANCING IN MIDLIFE TUNE (pls. don’t change this link) and leave the exact post url so I can add you to the master list as this is one way to help increase our rankings and improve our Technorati Authority.
6. Tag as many friends as you can.
BLOGS THAT JOINED: Dancing in Midlife Tune – GreenBucks1 –
Soap Questions:
1. Favorite Soap: Dove Moisturizing White Beauty Bar (for me and the kids) and Safeguard/Dial for hubby
2. Facial Soap: Dove Moisturizing White Beauty Bar
3. Body Soap: Dove Moisturizing White Beauty Bar
4. Intimate Soap: PhCare unscented
5. Laundy Soap: Ariel and Downy Antibac (I do not know what the laundry shop uses though since most of our clothes are being washed there)
6. Undies Soap: Ariel and Downy Antibac
7. Baby Soap: Ivory
8. Favorite Shampoo: anti-dandruff
9. Favorite Conditoner: Creamsilk Pink
10. Baby Shampoo: Johnson’s Baby Shampoo
::End Copy::
Aug 16th 2008greenbucksAround the Metro & Food and Dining & Philippines & Photos
Roti Mum is said to be Singapore’s best coffee bun. They have branches here in the Philippines.
Roti Mum sells fresh buns everyday.
Aug 15th 2008greenbucksBlogging101 & Food Friday & Philippines & Photos
We love Rodic’s tapsilog. Tapsilog for the uninitiated and those in the know, means TAPa or marinated beef strips, SInangag (fried rice) and itLOG (egg)
The tapsilog in Rodic’s is great, for one, because one does not need to chew the beef strips throughly for these have been flaked.
UP students and even those who have not studied there but had a taste of this food (would) like this unique food offering.
Last time we had this? Last Sunday
Aug 11th 2008greenbucksEnvironment & Motoring & Philippines & Photos & World Watch
Sinag is the Philippines’ solar-powered car which participated in the World Solar Challenge in Australia last year.
Sinag means sun’s rays.