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Archive for June, 2009

A Short Vacation Would be Nice

Summer has come and gone and hubby and I have yet to take a vacation. Not that I am swamped with too much work but hey, being a special ed teacher, a homeschooling mother, a home manager (yes, that would be me) and a farmer (LOL!) makes me a very busy person.

Yes, I need a vacation too. No, I didn’t consider having all three kids away for more than a month last summer a personal vacation.

I want, no make that, NEED a vacation. Days spent at the beach would be nice. A cruise would be perfect too! Even a mountain retreat for a few days would be very much appreciated.

Would i enjoy these? Perhaps, I will enjoy one of these dream vacations, when I am not worrying about the kids being left at home.

Who says they are coming with me? 😀

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Shoe Talk

We just got both of the two younger children a pair of shoes each two months ago but now these can hardly fit. In fact the youngest daughter was able to wear her pair once and that was it.

Yes, they indeed grow up fast and so we have to watch out for what we buy them especially foot wear so these are not outgrown after a few weeks.

For now, choosing their shoes would be up to our preferences but in due time, they would choose what they like but that’s ok, as long as these are within the budget and these shoes are known to be of better quality that other brands.

Oh, this reminds me that I have to look at some Naot sandals that were recommended by a friend. For me, of course 😉

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Vegetable salads are expensive when bought from a restaurant so I make my own. I do not even need fancy full of fat dressing, I can eat a bowl of it as it is, without any frills.

In this bowl, the cheese cubes give the salad a salty taste.

vegetable salad


Picnic Food


Mind Your Mobile Phone Manners

It is not surprising that a lot of people feel “bare” or “helpless” when they leave their homes without their mobile phones. Sometimes I feel that way too especially when I have appointments and would not have the means to know if they canceled or not.

In the instances I have left my mobile phones at home (I’ve got two for two telco services) I was of course thinking about calls and messages for me. I did not miss the games I can enjoy playing or the music I can listen to.

Come to think of  it, the church announces “All cell phone units to be turned off”. Cinemas too ask this from people. Does it mean that people are too much engrossed using their mobile phones that they are being told indirectly that it is rude to hear these gadgets make a noise.

But then, how come we see people rushing out of the church to answer a phone call? How come we hear the familiar beep-beep of an incoming message or a funky upbeat tune of an incoming call while the church service is going on?

What about that annoying person whose mobile phone rings in the middle of a romantic scene at the cinema? You can just grit your teeth and not say “@^%*%&%&$%@!” for this would be stooping down to their level. Whatever that means.

In a meeting? How come a participant is fiddling with his mobile phone? Maybe meetings should be a “No mobile phones allowed inside” zone. This way, participants have no way to conduct a “sub-meeting” in order to oust the chairman of the board secretly or tweet about his tie with an outrageous design 😀

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Home Baked Chocolate Chip Cookies

Nothing beats home cooking, but of course, sometimes that depends on who is in charge of the kitchen, haha!

Chocolate chip cookies, a sure way to warm the heart 🙂 I know these do not look good but the batch was gon e after a few minutes of cooling.

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