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Archive for August, 2009

Has Fever Will Panic

One time, a friend and I were talking about the different trends in health care. We were baffled that even if modern science and medicine have progressed, there are still a lot of medical issues that still need more research and development.

There are still so many things to give focus to like the common flu and asthma, which is common to children and adults living in urban areas.

Cancer, of course, has claimed a lot of lives. The current scare about A(H1N1) is not something to take lightly. The situation of dengue cases in this country is also one that needs a lot of attention.

So many health issues to be wary about which causes a lot of sleepless nights to us parents who constantly worry about our children’s health.

We discussed how it used to be that when children have fever, this situation is not given a lot of attention. When children (and adults to) have fever these days, we get worried that a more complicated situation will follow.

For now, extra care should be done to avoid getting sick. As one tvc says: “Bawal magkasakit (Avoid getting sick) Why do I feel like my translation is not accurate?

Anyway, best to take extra care always.

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Have Anything Interesting to Tweet or Blog About?

Jonah Berger, who has been studying trends for several years, cautions people to do research first before doing anything, tweeting or blogging (or Plurking) about something that is interesting.

The topic may be that latest crazy video that has been getting a lot of attention, or the newest trend in diet supplement or maybe that used-to-be-ignored lowly vegetable that has so much health potential.

Whatever is it, Jonah Berger says that it is better to analyze the trend how this topic has penetrated the web or even the real world.

Why so?

You would not want to look like the only person who hasn’t seen nor heard of this interesting thing you found when a lot, say, more than half a million people have already seen or head of this interesting topic.

Yes, this topic is very much interesting and I hope I am not the millionth person to write about it. 😀

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Clean Up the Kitchen

For me, the most important areas in homes and restaurants, particularly in the kitchen, are the kitchen sinks. Of course, this is where all food preparations from washing the food to cleaning the utensils are done.

Although  not all the food photos I have here in this blog were not made in our kitchen, I must say that cleanliness and care in food preparation should be of utmost importance. And that goes to every kitchen.

I shudder just thinking about those icky yucky kitchen featured in some television shows with hidden cameras. Ewww.

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