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Archive for October, 2009

Fresh Strawberries


fresh strawberries

Fresh strawberries, anyone? These are best eaten in moderation when given to my son because it causes asthma attacks. No kidding.

We love fruits and i am happy to announce that the kids love fruits too. Apples, bananas, watermelon, oranges, avocado, mangoes (ripe ones and green ones), pineapple and fruit cocktail (kidding)

This particular plate is a favorite because of the dainty flower designs. I think it looks like glass tiles, 😀


Deciding to Quit Smoking

My father quit after so many years  of smoking. We wished he did it sooner but that is all water under the bridge now. When he did quit, he got sick,very sick. We are glad he recovered slowly is now healthy again. He even weighs heavier than before he stopped smoking and that is a good sign.

Here are some reasons for you (and someone you know) to consider about smoking:

  • bad smell: breath, hair, clothes (yes, you reek like an ash tray)
  • stained teeth
  • respiratory illnesses, cough, sore throat
  • wrinkles
  • faster heartbeat and raised blood pressure
  • lowered athletic ability
  • toxic chemicals in the smoke
  • risk of cancer
  • risk of heart disease
  • breathing problems
  • stomach problems
  • gum disease
  • dangerous to pregnant women and their unborn baby
  • when you get sick, you lose time doing and enjoying the things you love to do

So, would you still care for a smoke? I hope not.

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Windy Day


windy day at Bucao River


This Is It World Premiere

Today marks the international launch of the  two-week showing of “This is It” featuring Michael Jackson.

We haven’t made plans yet to watch but I am excited to say the least.

I am sure a lot of people took advantage of the first day to watch, especially since tickets have been sold in advance several weeks ago.

I wonder if the ticket counter sales clerks are scrambling to use their handy weapons before patrons who will part with their money. The weapon? why a  barcode scanner of course 😀

My son is a self-confessed fan of the late pop icon. Yeah even if he just heard of and saw MJ at the time of his death. Never say too late.

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Philippine Political Scene

The Philippine political scene is so colorful and interesting these days. So many wannabe presidents (and VPs too) for an election that is bound to happen (i am praying that it will).

With the country facing a lot of recovery and rehabilitation process now and in the years to come, it is a wonder anybody in his or her right mind would want to run the country.

Even before the candidates are to proclaim their candidacies, we have been bombarded with what-nots: streamers, Facebook and Twitter accounts, real and imagined, have exposure offering services which includes a cheap hour of free internet time to appearing in costly prime time airtime exposures.

I would not be surprised these candidates would offer holiday gifts, or maybe a trip to heaven and back, to win votes next year.

I am exaggerating of course. Am I?

Maybe I am exaggerating. You know, I can’t imagine how they, in their very busy schedule, find time to tweet, update their Facebook status and errr, answer tweets posted by others.

Ok, aides can do that for them, I know.

But still…I will just say, I’m shrugging my shoulders and rolling my eyes at the same time, LOL.

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Nestle Crunch Chocolate Bar

Nestle Crunch.

Simple, sweet and we love it.

Oh well, we love chocolates so this is no exception 🙂

Nestle Crunch

What about you?


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