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Archive for May, 2010

Dinner Invite

We have been invited to dine with hubby’s relatives tonight. It’s his cousin’s belated birthday celebration along with this cousin’s mom’s birthday. Double celebration means food, food and more food.

I know it doesn’t help that I just saw a noxycut page last night and that this household sure knows how to cook super yummy dishes. Guilt trip to the max it will be when we go there tonight.

And yeah, I think we are going back a week from now because they will be having their patron feast celebration 😀

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Pata Tim

Pata Tim (Braised Pork?) is one yummy food to eat especially when the meat is tender and flavorful.

pata tim

This dish is one of the absolute favorites with my husband’s family. I like it too but I do not attack this with the same intensity that I used too. I can almost hear this pork fat-laden food cry “you need fat burner!” every time I take bites 😀

This is actually a treat for us since we don’t usually have pork at home. This is a good excuse to have a glass (or two) of ice cold Coke. 😉


Tiny Apartment with 24 Rooms

Tiny apartment with 24 rooms? Impossible you say, but not for Architect Gary Chang who transformed this 344 sq ft apartment into 24 rooms. Watch this closely:

This video is amazing!

For would-be homeowners who are currently having their homes built and painstakingly design (or work with interior designers) the rooms in the house, they can take inspiration from this video before they canvass door knobs, fabrics, tiles and even industrial handles.

Building structures nowadays does not only mean relying on face value. Building structures is now more about having a design that will maximize space and natural lighting among others as well as lessen carbon footprint.

Is your home one that can be considered as such?

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Chips and Dip

Who doesn’t like chips and dip? I don’t know about you but I know I do:


And all I need is a big glass of ice-cold Coke and a book 😀

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Odd Smell

We smell something odd at night. Every night in fact. It is something that smells sour and makes the throat feel dry. We have the windows closed, in the midst of the stifling 37.5 degrees heat because we try to prevent this smell from entering the house. But we all know that smells, like water, can find even the smallest available hole and make its presence known.

I recounted this to a friend who suggested I contact the authorities because I feel something illegal is being done in the vicinity where we live. No surprises there considering the kind of neighbors we have. I really do think some of them should undergo rapid detox for opiates and rehabilitation. If not some should spend some time behind bars like a couple I know who did that due to selling what they are not supposed to.

I remember some years ago when I contacted the environmental agency for another odd smell, this time of burning rubber and they were able to find where these were located. Far from where we are but strong enough to reach our place.

I really hope this situation will stop soon. Sigh.

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Cyber Monday?

I know about Black Friday sale but Cyber Monday?

Hmmm… this is exactly the kind of sale that I am looking for. Not kidding since I wrote about needing to get a handy netbook for me.

Here in the Philippines, though mall sales happen almost every month or even more often than that (what with malls mushrooming all over the metro and the countryside, there’s bound to be a sale every weekend), big discounts on tech gadgets are not as big as Black Friday’s or even Cyber Mondays.

And during major mall sales, I probably don’t want to risk going through throngs of people and survive unscathed unless I go fully prepared 😀

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