Christmas Tree Ornaments
Dec 17th 2008greenbucksPhilippines & Photos & Visualizations & Wordless Wednesday
Dec 17th 2008greenbucksPhilippines & Photos & Visualizations & Wordless Wednesday
Dec 16th 2008greenbucksFor Information & Thoughts
There’s no denying that there is really no stopping Christmas Everywhere one looks, its almost as if the word Christmas is written on digital signage!
There’s no denying that a lot of families do not particularly expect to celebrate the holiday especially if they have been hit by these global economic crisis and have only simple plans to celebrate.
That is ok, I guess.
For me, Christmas is not about the food and celebrations, the shopping, the gifts and all things commercialized.
Christmas is about family, just as how it started with a family more than 2,000 years ago.
It is about the coming of God’s Son, Jesus to be with people so that He can teach us about love, faith and all things pertaining to the God.
Its about being humble, giving importance to the more important things in life and accepting one’s circumstances no matter what, without being bitter nor sad when material comforts seem to be lacking.
Sure, gift giving shows not only how much we value or think of our loved ones but this is not the only measure to show our love for them.
Dec 10th 2008greenbucksPhilippines & Photos & Visualizations & Wordless Wednesday
Dec 5th 2008greenbucksFood and Dining & For Information & Photos
With Christmas around the corner, one of the foremost things in people’s list of to-do during these holidays would be parties and eating, after shopping.
I have something that is bugging me.
During parties, the main meals are fabulous yes, but if one is asked, its them dessert that makes the eating even more fun. Would one get that extra slice of cake? An extra brownie fudge? An extra scoop of ice cream? An extra topping?
How much could one indulge with that extra something?
Surely its not that bad at all considering its the time to be happy. But on the other hand, one should also think about the consequences about having something extra.
I’m sure, a lot of Hydroxycut reviews will be read after the season is over.
One word of caution though, let’s not over-indulge
Dec 5th 2008greenbucksAround the Metro & For Information & Money Watch & Philippines & Photos & Urban Living
Yes, there is no stopping Christmas. Even the moms over at are excited about Christmas. Why? Click here to know.
At this time, everywhere one goes, one is reminded about the commercialism spirit of giving. Traffic has become worse in our little part of this world, even before the month ushered in. Shoppers have come to invade the malls, bargain shops and sales, like troops ready for battle.
This time of the year too is a good time to reap profits, especially for those engage in the merchandising business. Yes, business has seen better years and this is not one of those.
Incidentally, there are a lot of jobs in retail available in the market at this time, perfect opportunities for those who want to earn shopping money for the holidays.
Nov 25th 2008greenbucksFood and Dining & Philippines & Photos & Thoughts & Urban Living
With Christmas around the corner, people prepare so many things to welcome the season.
Shopping for gifts, preparing food to be shared by family and friends at gatherings, decorating the house with holiday trimmings, we definitely do not scrimp when this time of the year is here.
After the season is over, what then?
Would people look back and spend time mulling what went right and what did not?
Can people think that perhaps they shouldn’t have eaten that much so they look much better in greeting the new year?
Would Trimspa help them in getting their shapes back?
We promise ourselves to do better next year.
I remember a favorite childhood song, “When Christmas time is over and presents are away, don’t be sad. There’ll be so much to treasure about this Christmas Eve and the fun we had…”
Whatever will transpire during this coming special holiday, it is important that people recognize the reason for the season: the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.