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Archive for the 'Food and Dining' tag

Chili Sauce, Worcestershire Sauce and Ketchup

If you see these three bottles, where are you dining?

If you answered… well, what is your answer?


Signs on the Posts

On some of the posts that we see on the road, there are signs that advertise about losing weight. Fast.

I may want to do that but I think looking for the best appetite suppressant PLUS a good fitness regimen PLUS a steel resolve to not succumb to temptation. Temptation meaning sweets, carb-loaded food, deep fried greasy food, and salty chips.

Ok, I will start that diet.

After I have that bowl of potato chips dipped in sour cream 😀

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Because I Was Too Lazy to Cook

Just looking at my food photos in this blog makes me feel I am gaining pounds, lol!

Honestly, I did gain some when the children went to have a five-week vacation and I now I am seriously thinking about weight loss products.

Husband and I had a lot of greasy and fattening dinners when we were alone because I was too lazy to do home-cooking for two.

Lesson learned: be more kitchen savvy 🙂

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Red Mango Waffles with Blueberries and Cream

Waffles with bluerries and cream from Red Mango in TriNoma. A perfect way to end a delightful lunch with mommy bloggers 🙂


Fried Fish with Herbs

Fried fish with herbs: fresh basil and (dried) rosemary. I also put some garlic and these were fried with butter.

Yum! We had this during one of the cool rainy days a few months ago.


Sea Grapes

This is called sea grapes in English but I am used to calling it ar-arusip.

I am not sure how others like to have this but one thing for sure, I love it with sliced fresh tomatoes, sliced onions and sliced green mangoes (not in photo). I would put a little fish sauce (the bagoong) with a little bit of vinegar. Best eaten with fried or grilled fish.

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