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Archive for the 'lifestyle' tag

I’m Hitting the Pavements. Again.

I did my morning rounds today and I was surprised that one old lady talked to me while I was walking. She said “tagal mong nawala” which roughly translates “I haven’t seen you for a long time” 😀

Yes, it took me a while a looong time before I decided to hit the pavements again. From  my last walk, it was December 13, based on the pic on my camphone.

My reason for going back is not because I aim to run the shortest distance there is in a marathon (I would get there in due time, 😀 ) but because I need to have a fitness routine which can make me feel invigorated at least, for the rest of the day.

Lately I have noticed that I have been feeling lethargic and I could sleep before one can even finish saying “natural sleep aids” which I probably have no need of. I can go into a sleep-induced oblivion at the drop of a hat.

I don’t think this is because I wake up at an ungodly hour because my eldest daughter needs to be fetched by the school service early nor it has to do with spending time in front of this gadget.

For now, I will will myself to take those little steps to be healthier.

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Karaoke Singing

I have written about how to go about reunions and keeping the conversation going with relatives to avoid being in an awkward position or have a conversation lull.

This goes the same with elementary and high school reunions, if I may say so. Yes, you and your classmates can’t possibly talk about how fat you were when you were in third grade or how someone else looked awkward wearing his/her Christmas program costume, much as you can’t possibly talk endlessly about your children or insurance quotes or your golf handicap unless they seem genuinely interested.

What do you do then? Sing. Yes, sing and have fun bashing the karaoke 😀

(Just make sure you don’t disturb the neighbors too much though)

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Indoor Fitness Program

Hubby said one time that perhaps we might be needing a treadmill (or other fitness equipment like a rowing machine) at home just in case the weather doesn’t permit me to go out and have my morning share of on-again and off-again fitness regimen. He might be right and the presence of one would not excuse me even if I woke up late 😀

I so need to go back to my early morning routine because the cool days haven’t been kind to me and my resolve to be fit: walking up late and doing a bit of tasting those baked goodies I have been baking does not make me a thinner person 🙁

Oh well, after the Christmas season, as we all say. Sigh.

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5,845 Dishes Cooked with Kraft Eden Cheese


Last month, I blogged about Kraft Eden cheese and the goal to cook 5,000 dishes to top India for the Guinness world record for the most number of dishes cooked.

5,845 Dishes Cooked with Kraft Eden cheese

And they did! 5,845 dishes cooked with cheese, woohoo! So we show the world that we Filipinos are cheesy, huh?

Cheese tart (I think)

Check the Kraft Eden YUMM Sarap ng Buhay site for some cooking ideas and if you want to contribute a recipe. Mine is the cheesy turon 🙂

Now I am off to read about NC health insurance as a favor for a friend 😉

Oh by the way, do we have FF next Friday?


Before You Dig In This Christmas

With Christmas just a few days away, it is not surprising that so many people are already planning on their weight loss program after the season. Funny that they think fat burners while they eat sumptuous meals during parties held here and there.

Oh well, if it helps them feel better and guilt-free after all those rich and creamy food ingested, so be it.

Maybe I need to think about it too 😀

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Deciding to Quit Smoking

My father quit after so many years  of smoking. We wished he did it sooner but that is all water under the bridge now. When he did quit, he got sick,very sick. We are glad he recovered slowly is now healthy again. He even weighs heavier than before he stopped smoking and that is a good sign.

Here are some reasons for you (and someone you know) to consider about smoking:

  • bad smell: breath, hair, clothes (yes, you reek like an ash tray)
  • stained teeth
  • respiratory illnesses, cough, sore throat
  • wrinkles
  • faster heartbeat and raised blood pressure
  • lowered athletic ability
  • toxic chemicals in the smoke
  • risk of cancer
  • risk of heart disease
  • breathing problems
  • stomach problems
  • gum disease
  • dangerous to pregnant women and their unborn baby
  • when you get sick, you lose time doing and enjoying the things you love to do

So, would you still care for a smoke? I hope not.

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