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Archive for the 'money' tag

No Charging

Some people are shocked to know that I don’t have a credit card. Either I am too poor to afford one (read: too poor to get approval) or I am too much of a miser or I am unwise when it comes to having “emergency spending money”.

My thinking about this is “if I can’t afford it, then I won’t charge it” knowing that even if I don’t know what my credit score is, I don’t worry about interest rates any more than I worry that I wasn’t able to buy that cute dress for my daughter which I can’t afford.

For now, the only things I charge are my gadgets. Heh, corny 😀

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Brand Conscious

I am sure a lot of brand-conscious and brand-name dropping people will say “woot” at the mention of Vera Wang dresses.

No offense meant if you are one, if you can afford these dresses, why not? Woot for you 🙂

What irks me most is when when people name-drop brand-names of things that they use like their cheese or maybe what? soy sauce? (like it is gonna make their food more flavorful than those cooked using cheaper and local brands) even if NO ONE is asking. Duh?!

I’m sure you’ve met one or two with this trait. Why some will even go to great lengths to say HOW MUCH they bought such and such.

I found this fun quiz which you can take to see if you are brand conscious or not.

Are you game to take the quiz?

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I Could Have Earned Extra

A friend asked me if I would like to join her team in selling insurance policies. Tempting yes, but I am not sure if I will be able to do what I am supposed to.

When she told me about the seminar I have to attend first about all things regarding insurance business:  health insurance leads, the right terms, how to talk to people, I have to say I was having second thoughts because I have homeschooling children, 😀

Lost opportunity to earn I know. Maybe next time 🙂

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Big vs Small Retail Stores

With these big supermarkets otherwise known as “hypermarket” opening at almost every available space, it is no wonder that small businesses are losing their usual customers.

Where we are staying, a big hypermarket from a big company of malls just opened up. We decided to check it out one time and although we found the usual stuff being sold in their other outlets, it is still a bit reassuring for some that such an outlet exists within a few minutes from where we live. With school children, one does not know when there is an emergency urgency to get something for school to be used the next day.

On the other hand, I feel that the small businesses in the vicinity of this big store, meaning a few minutes ride and drive, are threatened. Good if these have business insurance to back them up in times of need.

I hope these smaller businesses won’t fold up like how I see happening in the rural areas.

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Career in Sales

One of the more lucrative jobs, in terms of commissions, would be in sales. Notwithstanding the hurdles one would go through starting this career, the benefits I see are good.

Of course, it is not just about having a glib tongue which will make one successful in this choice of career. Hard work, determination and drive are some of the key strong points to master which can also be said true to other career choices.

Attending sales training is also one way to improve one’s capabilities.

In everything else, tact and respectfulness are two ways to start the ball rolling with potential clients.

Me? I may not have the “it” to become a salesperson but I definitely know a good buy when I see one 🙂

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Consumerism Among Kids

This generation of young children is probably one of the most profitable generations when it comes to consumerism. The children being the target of invasive advertising where truth is distorted and where there is no clear line dividing what is real and not real is happening right before our eyes.

Children younger than eight easily believe what the ads are telling them. I know because I have two children in that age bracket. They think that just because a product is seen on television endorsed by good-looking children mean that they have to get those products on our next trip to the supermarket.

I do not subscribe to their wishes easily. Not because the children in a TV ad are eating vegetables as a result of the use of artificial flavoring mean I must have that too. Not because beautiful children with beautiful smiles use a certain brand of toothpaste mean I have to get that for them too. We gotta be more practical than believing in TV ads that aims to make a profit.

How can my children have a higher IQ by just drinking a certain brand of milk if I do not teach them how to use their thinking skills?

For me, good products do not need blatant advertising.

These products being advertised do not just center on food items which are most often than not bereft of nutritional value, but extends to clothes, toys, must-have electronic gadgets, events, and other consumables.

Excessive materialism and believing in products because of advertising are just a few things we can teach children regarding consumerism. Not everything should be carried from the supermarket aisle all the way to the ringing retail pos systems or in other words, cash register.

So what should parents do?

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