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Archive for the 'seafood' tag

Mussels in Lemongrass Broth

I love mussels. Baked, in a seafood pasta and cooked with clear broth, I would definitely like to have these.

I still remember how these mussels were cooked: onions, ginger, garlic, salt and pepper. Sprite was added then instead of water.

Now,  I would not want to serve that because its not healthy. I use lemongrass for the broth.

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Fresh Catch

Holy Week is just a few days away and today being a Friday, Catholics are staying clear off anything that is meat ( I wonder, does vege-meat qualify?).

So here is a fresh catch as a suggestion for Friday food (hehe, Food Friday):



Mussels with Garlic Butter

Below is one of my eldest daughter’s favorite weekend Sunday lunch fare, mussels with butter that has garlic bits and parsley.

Finely chop fresh garlic and fresh parsley and add to butter to make the butter mixture. I think I used spreadable margarine with this batch and fresh basil bits instead of parsley. Works any way, the taste is still good enough.

You can use a food processor for easier handling of the butter mixture. I used this to make it. This mixture can be refrigerated and used with bread that can be paired with any pasta dish.