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Nov 10th 2009greenbucksPhilippines & Photos & travel & Visualizations
Oct 28th 2009greenbucksEnvironment & Philippines & Photos & travel & Wordless Wednesday
Apr 19th 2009greenbucksMoney Watch & Philippines & travel
The children are currentlly vacationing down South where the beaches have fine powdery white sand and the air has a tangy scent
Yes, I really wish we, my husband and I could be with them to enjoy being together and have fun memories
Sending them off was no easy for we had to know a lot about travel deals and choose the perfect time and ticket price that is affordable and would not burn a hole in the pocket
Some people I know were able to save on half the ticket prices because they booked their travels almost half a year before the travel time itself, clever ones!
They are enjoying their vacation with their cousins so far s I know that being away from home is worth it
Mar 11th 2009greenbucksAround the Metro & Philippines & Photos & travel & Wordless Wednesday
Mar 11th 2009greenbucksThoughts & travel & Urban Living
There is a one week break, if I am not mistaken from April 6 – 12. Yes, the April 9 Day of Valour (Araw ng Kagitingan) has been moved earlier to add another no-work day for that particular weekis in the Holy Week itself.
I hope the soldiers who risked their lives for the freedom in this country are not turning in their graves nor wanting to come out of it and pull the leg of whoever thought of making this kind of disservice to their memory.
Anyway, hubby and I were talking about what we would do. He was thinking of going to the City of Pines but of course, he certainly jests, for I would “bet” that that place would be packed to the brim. Yes, instead of breathing fresh mountain air, we might even feel we didn’t leave this megapolitan place.
So where to? Continue Reading »
Mar 10th 2009greenbucksEnvironment & Motoring & Philippines & Photos & Wordless Wednesday