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Archive for July, 2009

Hero Sandwich

(Still) An open-faced hero or sub sandwich with cheese, ham, lettuce, tomatoes, olives and dressing.

You can have some.

Some of the fries, lol!

Happy Friday!


Vine on Rusty Steel


Dental Health

One of the most neglected body part in terms of health care would be the teeth, especially for those who live in the hintherlands. The number of free dental clinics would attest to that.

Why, I even saw a television documentary where the hosts gave away toothbrushes and tubes of toothpaste. I am sure orange nj dentists and their clinics would be very busy there.

Seriously, dental health is important because of the many functions of the mouth area and these do not just include eating but a whole lot more like speaking, swallowing, and over-all health care of the body.

So, get that dental health care and smile 🙂

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The BER Months are Coming

A few weeks to go and it would be the “ber” months! This means Christmas is near! Yipee!

Though of course this season means a lot of traffic, a lot of expenses and parties! I am sure holiday invitations are being readied right now.

Maybe it it time for me to learn to bake new goodies to be given away for Christmas, just like what I did last year.

I am excited already 🙂

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Banana Muffins

I hope you won’t get “umay” with my muffins 😀

Below are banana bread slices and banana muffins with chocolate chips of course. Still home baked and best when eaten warm.

Have a fun Friday!


Road Trip

Road trips are one of the most enjoyable bonding times families (and friends too) can spend together.

As a family we have endless plans to go places but time or resources and perhaps both hinder us from doing so. The perpetual problem of who will mind the house and the dog while we are gone is also a bit of a problem. If it only feels safer where we are. Oh well.

Road trips in an rv is probaby fun because it is bigger and more comfortable.

I hope next weekend we can spend some time going on one. It seems like a long time since we went on a road trip.

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