Nestle Fruit Selection Yogurt with Jelly
Sep 24th 2010greenbucksFood and Dining & Food Friday & Me
I won fifteen cups of this Nestle Fruit Selection Yogurt with Jelly and I haven’t got a photo yet. No more chances to do so, ubos agad lahat!
Sep 24th 2010greenbucksFood and Dining & Food Friday & Me
I won fifteen cups of this Nestle Fruit Selection Yogurt with Jelly and I haven’t got a photo yet. No more chances to do so, ubos agad lahat!
Sep 22nd 2010greenbucksHealth Matters & Me
Last week’s visit to Amherst/Unilab laboratory was a memorable one for me. Not only because I got to bond with mommy bloggers and met new friends but also because I learned something new about the health and well-being of my children.
My first impression regarding the Amherst Laboratory was it was super clean. It felt like we were in a safe and sanitized facility. I was even expecting to see some medical computer carts on the hallways or inside the rooms we managed to see Even the place where we will wash our hands and dry them looked hi-tech.
I know my article has not been published yet but will be in a while, so I gotta wrap this up now.
Oh, and I have a feverish daughter who is taking the ibuprofen meds I got from the Amherst tour
Sep 22nd 2010greenbucksBlogging101 & Digital World & Web Tools
Last night’s research on several health issues like tuberculosis, viral diseases and bacterial diseases for a Biology project of my daughter was interrupted by reading a deluge of angry status updates of blogger friends who blog about the food they cook.
I knew I shouldn’t have opened my FB to take a peek.
Over at Facebook, my food blogger friends (and I) are furious about a scraper / plagiarist posing as a chef who just copies recipes and photos of others and posting them as his own creation. His titles are: “MY ________________” when in fact, it was “my copied recipe (verbatim) and photos”
Of course he wouldn’t be the first one to do that because there have been others.
Sep 19th 2010greenbucksHealth Matters & Me
I chanced upon a vendor selling coconut juice or coconut water this morning. I bough two coconuts and the water from these two filled up a pitcher.
Coconut water is known for having potassium and electrolytes. Coconut water is also used by those who have urinary tract problems for cleansing. Not sure though if coconut water helps as colon cleanser but I read and heard somewhere that it does too.
I just asked the son to get me a glass of cold coconut water. It is the perfect refreshing and healthy drink on this hot day.
Sep 17th 2010greenbucksFamily Matters & Skin Care
My youngest child asked me a few nights ago: “Ano ba ang pimple? Bakit may pimple” meaning “What is a pimple? Why do we people have pimples?”
I explained to her that people have pimples when they are growing up and their body go through changes. I further explained that in a few years time, she will go through these changes herself and will probably have pimples too just like the big sis and me on certain times of the month.
I thought the discussion was done when she went back to eating her dinner. She asked me again if people can prevent pimples from popping out. I said I’m not sure although there are products that offer the best acne treatments.
I also told her it is important to have a good hygiene and eat healthy food to have good, clear skin.
Ending? She readily washes her face whenever I tell her to do so