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Archive for the 'World Watch' Category

Google Reader

What is a Google Reader?

This is the definition of a Google Reader, according to, well, Google:

Get all your blogs and news feeds fast

Once you have registered to get a Google Reader account, you can subscribe to your favorite blogs as well as to your favorite news sites for the latest news. It is a Web-based aggregator that can read Atom and RSS feeds online and offline.

No need to go to your favorite links and news sites one by one to check what’s new. Easy peasy.

  1. It is has a user-friendly interface. First, the subscriber gets to see what’s new to the subscribed sites.
  2. These can be organized according to your preference, either by date or relevance or whiever way the subscriber prefers.
  3. Subscriber can also share items with other web users.
  4. Offline access. Yes. Subscriber uses a browser extension so that online applications can work offline, and up to 2000 items can be downloaded to be read offline.
  5. There is also mobile access.
  6. The Google Reader subscriptions can be integrated with the Google Personalized Page (just like your Yahoo Personalized page where you get to choose the latest news)
  7. For those who use Mozilla Firefox 2.0, Google reader is included there and can redirect users to the Add Subscription screen to be able to add the feed.

There, the different benefits one can have when subscribed to Google Reader.

Oh, and it also has a version specially formatted to the Wii, if you have one.

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Golgotha in Zambales

We have just celebrated Earth Day 2008 yesterday.

Do people really care about Mother Nature?

Do people really do their part in helping preserve or even keep nature alive?

Mother Nature is called as such because of the abilities to nurture, to care for, to nourish people who inhabit this lovely green and blue planet.

Would we say that these are still the colors we can see on this planet?

Look at this blurred photo taken from a moving car. Yes, it is blurred photo but the destruction is so clear:


Rice Crisis in the Philippines

It is not just the Philippines that suffer the rising price of rice (and just about all other commodities, be these edible or not).

Asian states have shortages citing extreme weather, rise in demand for food in fast growing places, price hike due to hoarding , low stockpile and  long term lack of agricultural investment.

The Egyptians are also suffering from price hike of food.

India, with over a billion in population is likely to suffer or has already been suffering food crisis.

Australia‘s drought means no food too.

What has been happening to the cost of food across the globe?


British in Debt

Debt that the British had incurred for the last decade has been astonishing $2.8 trillion or 1.4 trillion pounds, according to that New York Times article.

Spending more than one can earn is not just dangerous, its very dangerous. Being in debt is not a good. How would one pay for those debts? With used designer shoes? With foreign holidays already consumed? With used designer clothes? I don’t think so. Such is not the case.

Children have their own cellphones. People can get the latest models in tech gadget, clothes, cars and every thingamajig that comes out in the market. These things are outdated every few weeks, months. For tech gadgets, these are outdated by the time they come out of the market.

So what? So what if people get these things for themselves? If these were purchased using the plastic, then I personally don’t think its a good investment, judging by the way things change so fast. Better purchase these things in cash to avoid being indebted to these big companies where in the long run, it is not just the purchased thing is being paid for but even one’s dignity.

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Blogging Hazards

Blogging is the new media. A blogger can disclose as much personal affairs as one feels comfortable doing so. Or a blogger can choose to be discreet.

A blogger can fabricate lies and weave stories he believes in his mind are true. Or just state facts and real events and people.

I have heard about political candidates who benefit most with bloggers. On the other hand, there are those who are brought down by shame and exposés through blogs.

Some bloggers are able to write with so much venom that just reading their posts leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

Bloggers can talk about anything and everything in clear contexts. Or hidden undertones.

A blogger can talk about his past and future plans. Or choose not to.

Speaking of which, there are several blogging hazards that a blogger can get.

For example, Kazuyoshi Miura. He is a Japanese blogger. He blogged about going to Saipan. But when he got there, he was arrested. Why? Read the story here, here, here and here.

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Pacquiao Beats Marquez

Who? Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao of the Philippines versus Juan Manuel Marquez of Mexico in a match to get the WBC 130-Pound title at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, March 15, 2008.

Yeah, after four years when their match was a draw. Was it that long ago? I am not a fan of boxing. I just wanted to know the results so I went to search for the results.

It is a victory for the country, as they say. And yes, I agree.

But would this make us a better nation? Better people?

The media even says that when Pacquiao (great, several times i have misspelled the name) has a boxing match, the whole country is watching and there is zero crime rate. That is good news for this nation who has a lot of petty crimes going on daily. Now, we wouldn’t want Manny Pacquiao fighting the whole time so there would be totally zero crime rate.


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