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A Special Sunset

Today’s sunset seems to be very special. First, I commented that somewhere out there people have wonderful sunset sky scenes.

Little did I know that my son who stayed at home with me today took the camera and went out to take photos. I only knew about it when he came back to the house carrying the tripod on his way out again 😀


Here is our sunset photo a few hours ago. Here are other sunset photos in this blog.

Several people took sunset photos and shared these in a site where my friends and I congregate to chat so I’m sure not only people on a Royal Caribbean trip are able to see these play of colors at the end of the day.

It feels great to know people still appreciate these things and stop to make the scene frozen in pixels.

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I am the Cook

I spent some time organizing my photos and saw the re-sized ones I have used in my blogs. I noticed that most food photos I have can be found in this blog and this other blog.

I may have to think about the best diet pill even if I am just looking at these photos 😀

I am not a great cook, nor do I pretend to be one. I can cook, yes, but my cooking is “just right” for the family’s consumption. It is when the children say that they like the food I prepared that makes my heart swell.

Oh, they would rather eat home-cooked meals they tell me.

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Summer Fun

Summer is almost over and the children will go back to school in a few weeks time.

They enjoyed some outdoors time in their inflatable pool. They played golf in the front yard using a new golf set that looks like the real thing though smaller.When they play golf, the pool is the lake and the cemented portion is the sand trap 😀

One thing I have not done for this summer was to get outdoor furniture including patio furniture cushions so that I can stay outdoors while I work on my online tasks and see them while they are playing. I hope its not too late to get a set of these.

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How Was Your Valentine’s Day?


black heart leaves

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Healthy Baby

To have a healthy baby is every mother’s wish. A baby’s health condition begins in the womb, where even before conception, a woman is able to take care of herself and be well enough and strong enough to conceive a child.

If a woman wants to conceive a child, then she should consider stopping smoking, drinking alcohol, having proper nutrition and not consider taking substances that tend to be abused.

Upon conception, the mother/would-be mother should take extra care of herself: going regularly to prenatal check-ups, taking lots of rest, eating healthy food, taking in prenatal vitamins, avoiding getting too stressed, basically maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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Indoor Fitness Program

Hubby said one time that perhaps we might be needing a treadmill (or other fitness equipment like a rowing machine) at home just in case the weather doesn’t permit me to go out and have my morning share of on-again and off-again fitness regimen. He might be right and the presence of one would not excuse me even if I woke up late 😀

I so need to go back to my early morning routine because the cool days haven’t been kind to me and my resolve to be fit: walking up late and doing a bit of tasting those baked goodies I have been baking does not make me a thinner person 🙁

Oh well, after the Christmas season, as we all say. Sigh.

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