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Archive for the 'Photos' tag

Orange Flowers

Typhoon Mina is currently battering the northern side of the country with “Maximum sustained winds of 165 kph near the center and Gustiness of up to 200 kph”.

I’m sure the wind spinners are up there are going round and round wildly, if they are still standing up.

This same weather disturbance gave us a hard time when I went with my youngest child on her field trip to Pampnga last Wednesday. We had to endure the alternating rain shower and sun shine which gave me a headache. Gah! Good thing she has an almost water-proof jacket to wear because I, the super mom, forgot to bring an umbrella.

Anyway, I took a few flower photos when we visited and this is one of the photos that I like albeit the flowers are orange!

orange flowers

I love flower photos like this one. FYI, am not particularly fond of orange and I like this not because I was the one who took the photo. I know that anyone with a camera can take this kind of photo, right?


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Goldilocks Decorate Your Cake

A small mocha cake, some ready made cake decorations and a little patience and creativity and you’ve got Goldilocks Decorate Your Cake. Woohoo!


This is a wonderful summer activity for the youngsters and the young-at-heart. I totally forgot about this and should have done this with the children during summer vacation.

Warning: not to be done when sitting on outdoor chaise lounges especially when the heat is scorching. You wouldn’t want your Goldilocks Decorate Your Cake to melt under the sun would you?

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Pata Tim

Pata Tim (Braised Pork?) is one yummy food to eat especially when the meat is tender and flavorful.

pata tim

This dish is one of the absolute favorites with my husband’s family. I like it too but I do not attack this with the same intensity that I used too. I can almost hear this pork fat-laden food cry “you need fat burner!” every time I take bites 😀

This is actually a treat for us since we don’t usually have pork at home. This is a good excuse to have a glass (or two) of ice cold Coke. 😉


Purple Heart

Purple Heart


Warm Buttered Bread

My youngest daughter loves warm buttered bread. I would like to say I do too even if I know I should be eating foods that burn fat or food that do not store unwanted and unwelcome fat 😀

buttered bread

Don’t we just love warm buttered bread with a serving of creamy soup? Or perhaps with a serving of pasta with your favorite sauce? Or maybe with your favorite beverage whatever it might be?

One of my favorites when I was young: Prima buttered toast. Do you still remember this? Meron pa ba nito? 😀


Spiky Bud

Spiky Bud


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