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Archive for April, 2009

What Do Mommy Bloggers Talk About?

I have mommy blogger friends whom I first met virtually.

Today at a mommy blogger event for the launching of a new food product from a well-known bakeshop, we were asked what we usually talk about or write about.

We answer that we talk about anything under the sun like food, our children, parenting, diet and fitness programs and even weight loss pills to books and fashion and even showbiz news 😀

We exchange tips on easier home management as well as managing the garden.

There are so many things to talk about and learn from one another and I am really glad I hve met these wonderful women.

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Water Droplet on a Leaf


Neighborhood Blues

Yesterday over breakfast, hubby and I were discussing about the state of the real estate market and how it was affected by the global economic crisis.

I have expressed time and again about my fond wish of moving to a new home because I have been uncomfortable where we are.

No I don’t plan to move to the Outer Banks homes, YET. If we could, we are out of here faster than anyone can say “alakazam!”

Moving is NOT an option now for us nor it will be in the next few years unless we win the lottery, haha.

For now, I will wish hard enough and work hard enough for that.

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Bitter Gourd

Bitter gourd or ampalaya hanging on our fence. Who would have thought I who has a black thumb would have these at home?

This is just one of the few we have in our little vegetable garden 🙂

Uncooked of course 🙂 Some recipes here.

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We are saddled with so many choices in life.

Ketchup or salt? Running or walking? To sleep or to watch television?

Yes, as if our life depends on these thing, haha!

We do legwork, canvassing stores for the perfect pair of shoes that not only makes the feet look gorgeous but is slightly cheaper too.

What about bargain hunting during sales, even if one misses a day at work or even has not minded being pushed and shoved?

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Sunset View at the Rooftop


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