Unbearable Heat
Feb 24th 2010greenbucksAround the Metro & Food and Dining & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
Feb 24th 2010greenbucksAround the Metro & Food and Dining & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
Feb 24th 2010greenbucksDigital World & Me & Visualizations
My kids and my students love playing Mystery Case Files: Prime Suspects.
Not only do they get to look for the objects in the given lists but they also get to exercise patience, patience and more patience in finding the hidden objects.
They also get to know new words like C clamps, fleur de lis, fedora and licorice.
It gives one a sense of accomplishment when everything has been found and one moves on to the next level.
How do I know? I play the game too
Feb 24th 2010greenbucksHealth Matters & Me
I am not a snob. If people see me and wave at me but I don’t wave back, I am not snubbing them. If you feel that I stare at you, don’t worry, I am not measuring you up or down.
Truth is, I have bad eyesight. I can’t even read subtitles in the movies nor see what is written on the food menu of fast food places around me. I am almost blind in a room lighted with white light.
Yes, either I get a new pair of eyeglasses, a +2.50 prescription a year ago. I am seriously considering a lasik surgery Mexico package except that I don’t have the budget for the Mexico part
Maybe I see no need to wear glasses yet again except of course when I need to read movie subtitles. Other wise, I am just fine, thank you very much
Feb 19th 2010greenbucksAround the Metro & Food and Dining & Food Friday & Philippines & Photos & Urban Living
Have you tried Taco Pizza? The Taco Pizza in the pic below is a part of four flavored pizza from Burgoo.
Not exactly my favorite restaurant nor do I frequent the place, it just happened that I have several food photos from this place.
We love tacos. I remember making tacos before but I did not use tacos shells. I used tortilla chips instead.
Hmmm… I better look for a recipe again so we can have this on weekend.
Recipe-hunting would be more fun than reading about humidifier filters even if the need for the latter is greater
Feb 18th 2010greenbucksHealth Matters & Me
I did my morning rounds today and I was surprised that one old lady talked to me while I was walking. She said “tagal mong nawala” which roughly translates “I haven’t seen you for a long time”
Yes, it took me a while a looong time before I decided to hit the pavements again. From my last walk, it was December 13, based on the pic on my camphone.
My reason for going back is not because I aim to run the shortest distance there is in a marathon (I would get there in due time, ) but because I need to have a fitness routine which can make me feel invigorated at least, for the rest of the day.
Lately I have noticed that I have been feeling lethargic and I could sleep before one can even finish saying “natural sleep aids” which I probably have no need of. I can go into a sleep-induced oblivion at the drop of a hat.
I don’t think this is because I wake up at an ungodly hour because my eldest daughter needs to be fetched by the school service early nor it has to do with spending time in front of this gadget.
For now, I will will myself to take those little steps to be healthier.
Feb 18th 2010greenbucksBlogging101 & Digital World & File and data management & For Information & Web Tools
You may be curious if people are Googling your name or anything online about you like your blog or biz site. You want to be alerted if that happened so now you want to learn how to set up a Google Alert.
Let’s say for arguments’ sake that you are not that vain or curious enough to know if someone has been Googling you. Let’s say you are interested in various topics like potted cactus, seo tools, affiliate marketing and other topics of interest, this tool will still be useful in letting you know that a new post/article has been added for your reading pleasure.
There is this application called GOOGLE ALERTS that alerts you in case the key words you find important to you are Googled. This definitely can include your name and who knows whatever aliases you might be using in the WWW.
Here is how to do it:
If you had a difficult time with my instructions, then watch this video.
How was this helpful to me?
Some significant alerts are about these:
I got an alert about an article I wrote for a site and saw that a Multiply account copied my WHOLE ARTICLE! I let the editor know about it and they dealt with the blog owner.
I got an alert the other day ab out my photo (from another blog) used without my permission. I got an account with that forum and saw my pic and I was able to take it down by changing the date of the post and putting the pic in my Flickr account.
There. I hope this article was helpful.