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Archive for April, 2010

Land Rover

With so many unpaved roads and long distance places to explore in the country, a big vehicle that can traverse over rocks and holes is one ideal ride for adventurers.

Long intro but what I meant was: I want a Land Rover! 😀


Of course this means the vehicle should have mechanical breakdown insurance which I know won’t be needed for a long time with this mean machine.

I have a mental list of places I want to discover but these are too far and too rough to go too. I hope we get to see these before they get explored and “abused”.

Now, if only I can afford a Land Rover…

I can dream can I? 😀

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Barbecue Chicken Fillet

Barbecue Chicken Fillet with Java Rice from The Chocolate Kiss Cafe in UP Diliman.

Pan-grilled chicken breast fillet marinated in barbecue sauce served with Java Rice. P190.00  |  Or served with garlic mashed potatoes. P210.00

barbecue chicken fillet

I love this because I love barbecue flavor and we always use chicken fillet meat at home. I think this partners well with Coke 🙂

Perfect for a lunch date with friends.


Chowking Halo-halo

Halo-halo, shaved ice with sweetened and cooked fruit toppings, topped with leche flan and/or ice cream, made even sweeter with sugar and milk. This is a Chowking Halo-halo.

halohalo chowking

This is what my youngest daughter and I shared before going home when she went with me to work.

I didn’t even think about the nuphedragen review I read 😉

I do not even want to think how much sugar there is in there, we just enjoyed the treat and the tongue freeze that this Chowking Halo-halo gave 😀


Beach Babes and Beach Bums

Beach time means seeing beach babes and beach bums all in their glorious body form.

The babes keep hard at keeping fit through various ways: dieting, exercise, and more dieting. The bums on the other hand do a lot of fitness routines too. I hope they are not just people in good shape but with interesting things going on with the gray matter between their ears.

Do they watch documentaries? Do they read (ok, force factor reviews can qualify)? What kind of work do they do after the beach season? Are they interesting when they talk?

As one mom said about her daughter, “Pagandahan na lang” Roughly translated: Just notice how beautiful my daughter is. Or something like that. Huh?

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Behind the Camera

I was sorting through so many photos when I noticed something. I am rarely in the photos.

No, not because I always have acne, which incidentally, I have one that popped up a few days ago. Argh!

Almost always, I am the one taking photos and I tend to forget to ask one of the children to take a photo with me in it. I hope when the children are all grown up they won’t think I didn’t want to have photos taken with them 😀

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I attended the iBlog6 last Friday and I met new blogger friends.

There were a lot of people from the advertising industry on the day I went because the first day dealt with the business side of blogging.

Of course, they were not selling custom travel mugs 😀

They were there to “pulse” the bloggers and to learn how to deal with bloggers or ok, the “new media” or “online media” to some in terms of business deals and events where their products and services are featured and bloggers are invited.

The venue was not filled but I still didn’t get a shirt from so many that were raffled off 🙁 It would have been nice to have a collection from iBlog3 till iBlog6.

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