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Archive for September, 2010

A Special Sunset

Today’s sunset seems to be very special. First, I commented that somewhere out there people have wonderful sunset sky scenes.

Little did I know that my son who stayed at home with me today took the camera and went out to take photos. I only knew about it when he came back to the house carrying the tripod on his way out again 😀


Here is our sunset photo a few hours ago. Here are other sunset photos in this blog.

Several people took sunset photos and shared these in a site where my friends and I congregate to chat so I’m sure not only people on a Royal Caribbean trip are able to see these play of colors at the end of the day.

It feels great to know people still appreciate these things and stop to make the scene frozen in pixels.

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Can Friends be Business Partners?

Can friends sustain friendship while being business partners?

I hope so.

I know people who have been friends for a long time who became business partners. The friendship was affected due to this business venture. When they parted ways business-wise, they were still friends. I can’t figure out how they did that but maybe if people are really friends, they can pull it off.

There are conflicting articles like this and this.

I guess it all boils down to good planning and management so that conflicts, especially major ones, can be avoided.

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Wish List

I have a secret wish list. This wish list is known to my husband and children though.

In it are the things I think I (ok WE) need.

In the list are mostly tangible things that I wish to have because I need them to make life and living easier. The items in the list are possible to have IF ONLY… or AFTER WE SETTLE THIS AND THAT RESPONSIBILITY…

I guess I am a patient person since most of the items in my wish list can be had IF I insist but still I wait for a better opportunity AND I wait until I am sure there is no other responsibility that will be forgotten.

I’m sure the children understand because they are patient too, waiting for us until we are ready to fulfill their wishes too.

I also make sure I don’t get these items in the wish list when I know some are out of reach or even out of sight.

I know we have to work harder in order to see that the things in my wish list are granted.

For how long? Until we can manage to make do without these. Continue Reading »

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Win Kraft Gift Packs

In line with the advocacy to spread awareness about health and nutrition, Kraft PALAMANTASAN has a contest to encourage Facebook account users to make statements that will help improve their healthy lifestyle. The best answers get to win Kraft gift packs.

Contest mechanics here.

Visit Palamantasan page here.

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Fun Activity for Kids

The children enjoyed the OREO Get Dunked activity we went to last Sunday so they are now trying their best to reach level 10 of the OREO Twist, Lick and Dunk online game to be able to get tickets for the next round of mall tour 😀

They loved being velcroed to the sticky wall.

I joked to them that next fun activity they will go to, they will get hanged on door knobs of giant doors or hanged upside down from trees 😀

There are so many kid activities for children these days and sometimes I wish we were able to experience these when I was younger.

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OREO Snack Pack

OREO is one of the favorite snacks of children and adults alike. I can speak for my kids and myself in this regard.


OREO Snack Pack is now available for srp PhP5.00

Would you like to do the OREO Get Dunked mall activation with your family? Trust me, it is SUPER FUN! Read more about it here.

Lastly, WIN KRAFT GIFT PACKS here by pledging to help improve the nutrition of your loved ones.


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