Oct 28th 2010greenbucksFood and Dining & Food Friday & Photos
Skittles are fun. Skittles are delicious. Skittles are colorful.
I love the red ones by the way
Oct 28th 2010greenbucksFood and Dining & Food Friday & Photos
Skittles are fun. Skittles are delicious. Skittles are colorful.
I love the red ones by the way
Oct 26th 2010greenbucksHealth Matters & Me & Skin Care
One of my students asked me to go online and help him look for acne remedies. This was because he got a big zit on his nose
So ok, we read through a lot of sites including among other sites.
From our readings, we discussed how personal hygiene, importance of sleep and rest and proper nutrition all play big roles in keeping the skin blemish free.
And yes, keeping the hands/fingers off the zit is also just as important
Oct 26th 2010greenbucksFamily Matters & Photos
Oct 25th 2010greenbucksDigital World & Web Tools & World Watch
No doubt about it, Lady Gaga with one billion hits on YouTube has got to be the most watched personality online.
Someone asked me why Lady Gaga is so popular. I can’t remember what I answered exactly but I said I think she is very popular because her songs are dance-able and easy to remember. The fact that her fashion sense borders on the ridiculous if not atrocious makes her even interesting.
Frankly, I don’t even know how she looks like without her make-up unless I Google her name and look at her photos.
Oct 25th 2010greenbucksHealth Matters & Home & Me
We just had dinner. Breaded and deep fried chicken fillet and spaghetti with tomato-based sauce. Now I feel sleepy because I am full.
Ironic because just this afternoon I was talking about how to lose weight quickly.
My youngest daughter once asked me why I tend to eat more than she eats. I told her I need the energy to keep up with all the things I need to do: go to work, do house chores, help them with their homework and projects and finish other online tasks.
If I don’t eat, I don’t know if I have the energy to even think about how I will accomplish the things I need to do.
Later as I get the children ready to go to bed, I really hope I can have enough sleep because I still have to wake up at 4am to prepare packed lunch for school tomorrow. Sigh.
Oct 25th 2010greenbucksMotoring & Philippines & travel & Wordless Wednesday