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Archive for the 'Web Tools' Category

HTML Tutorial for Kids. Or Not Kids.

There is a site for HTML tutorial for kids. Yes, its that modern already.

But take note, this site is also helpful for those who are not familiar with these technology terminologies that seem to talk in codes and well, still more codes.

You think being a blogger makes one adept with the technological terms that abound the www?

So what is .htaccess files or installing perl scripts or MySql database all about? Great, I am scratching my head here and would not be able to understand these, much to the chagrin of my hubby who can talk about these for hours but I would still end up staring blankly ahead 😉

Ok, here is the site: Lissa Explains

Do check it out. I know I will 😀


Google Reader

What is a Google Reader?

This is the definition of a Google Reader, according to, well, Google:

Get all your blogs and news feeds fast

Once you have registered to get a Google Reader account, you can subscribe to your favorite blogs as well as to your favorite news sites for the latest news. It is a Web-based aggregator that can read Atom and RSS feeds online and offline.

No need to go to your favorite links and news sites one by one to check what’s new. Easy peasy.

  1. It is has a user-friendly interface. First, the subscriber gets to see what’s new to the subscribed sites.
  2. These can be organized according to your preference, either by date or relevance or whiever way the subscriber prefers.
  3. Subscriber can also share items with other web users.
  4. Offline access. Yes. Subscriber uses a browser extension so that online applications can work offline, and up to 2000 items can be downloaded to be read offline.
  5. There is also mobile access.
  6. The Google Reader subscriptions can be integrated with the Google Personalized Page (just like your Yahoo Personalized page where you get to choose the latest news)
  7. For those who use Mozilla Firefox 2.0, Google reader is included there and can redirect users to the Add Subscription screen to be able to add the feed.

There, the different benefits one can have when subscribed to Google Reader.

Oh, and it also has a version specially formatted to the Wii, if you have one.

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My friend Wenchie asked me two weeks ago about how a certain sponsored post writing goes. This paid posting site has it differently than other sites. Why? Because bloggers can bid the price that they want to be paid for writing posts. They get 65% of the price they would bid with.

Here are the simple steps in going about this sponsored post services:

  1. Register your blog.
  2. Wait for your bog to be approved.
  3. When your blog is approved, check your blog’s status regarding ranking. There are checks that show how much one can charge, say from $10 – $100. There are also those who can charge as high as $500. But of course, there would be buts here which I wouldn’t write anymore.
  4. When all these are done, one can start the bidding process. How? Here’s how:
    1. Look for available opportunities from advertisers.
    2. Be sure to read the description of the available opportunity. If it asks for blogs with PR3 and you don’t even have a PR, then don’t try to bid on that opportunity.
    3. Be sure to bid well within the range of prices set by the advertisers. For example, if the minimum bid price is $10 and the maximum bid price is $50, then don’t bid $75, even your bidding capability is up to $800.00. Yes, there are those who can charge as high as that, if there are advertisers willing to pay that.
    4. When bidding, try to bid using the maximum allowed bids. For the bidding price mentioned above, try bidding at half the price, or maybe even lower. Be sure to consider your blog’s ranking when doing the bidding. Blogs with high ranks are probably ok to bid high but to those of us without ranks, (Hello,Google? send some PR around here 🙂 ), that is a risk I wouldn’t want to take. Why? Continue Reading »


iBlog4 Summit

GreenBucks was at the iBlog4 Summit held recently at the Malcolm Theater in UP Diliman.

Topics ranged from Blogging Basics for newbie bloggers, going problogger, PhotoBlogs, Blogging in time for the election, Mindanao bloggers and blogging for advocacy.

Could be more topics. Last year, topics about SEO, internet law and copyright issues, problogging, increasing site rank, blogging and the old media, blogging issues and internet issues in other Asian countries, and other technical stuff and other helpful stuff were discussed. I was sure these were helpful, I just didn’t know what these were before. Wouldn’t hurt if these were discussed again, sort of a continuation.

My 2 cents? Do what happened during the earlier iBlog summits, create subgroups where people can choose what they want to learn about.

Here are the other posts about iBlog4 which I got from Aileen‘s post “Lessons I Learned…” (thanks, I hope this is just 10% of your post, haha!)



iBlog4 is the 4th Philippine Blogging Summit to be held at the Up College of Law’s Malcolm Hall at the University of the Philippines in Diliman. This will be on April 26, 2008.

Click here to read the details.

Click here for registration details.


TekKonsult provides technical consultancy services in the field of Information and Communication Technology or ICT.

TekKonsult also provides webhosting services. Click here.

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