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Archive for the 'money matters' tag

No Charging

Some people are shocked to know that I don’t have a credit card. Either I am too poor to afford one (read: too poor to get approval) or I am too much of a miser or I am unwise when it comes to having “emergency spending money”.

My thinking about this is “if I can’t afford it, then I won’t charge it” knowing that even if I don’t know what my credit score is, I don’t worry about interest rates any more than I worry that I wasn’t able to buy that cute dress for my daughter which I can’t afford.

For now, the only things I charge are my gadgets. Heh, corny 😀

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1.7M iPhone 4s Sales

Are you one of those 1.7M people who got iPhone 4s?

I sure hope you also got iphone insurance because you would never know if you iPhone is safe from those who have other thoughts when they see you using it.

Here in our country, mobile phones can disappear from your hands faster than you can say 1-2-3. No kidding.  Stores even sell these. So if you are going to buy “second hand” mobile phones without a box, manual, CD and other stuff, it is most likely what is called a GSM or “galing sa magnanakaw” which also means stolen cellphone.

Anyway, I myself want to have a unit. My online-generated stash says I can afford one but not when I buy these here since the price will get tripled. You know, taxes and everything. By the time this iPhone 4 gets here by September, I need to pay the tuition and it gives me excuse to NOT indulge.

But still, I want one!!! 😀

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I Could Have Earned Extra

A friend asked me if I would like to join her team in selling insurance policies. Tempting yes, but I am not sure if I will be able to do what I am supposed to.

When she told me about the seminar I have to attend first about all things regarding insurance business:  health insurance leads, the right terms, how to talk to people, I have to say I was having second thoughts because I have homeschooling children, 😀

Lost opportunity to earn I know. Maybe next time 🙂

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Big vs Small Retail Stores

With these big supermarkets otherwise known as “hypermarket” opening at almost every available space, it is no wonder that small businesses are losing their usual customers.

Where we are staying, a big hypermarket from a big company of malls just opened up. We decided to check it out one time and although we found the usual stuff being sold in their other outlets, it is still a bit reassuring for some that such an outlet exists within a few minutes from where we live. With school children, one does not know when there is an emergency urgency to get something for school to be used the next day.

On the other hand, I feel that the small businesses in the vicinity of this big store, meaning a few minutes ride and drive, are threatened. Good if these have business insurance to back them up in times of need.

I hope these smaller businesses won’t fold up like how I see happening in the rural areas.

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Backyard Gardening Projects

Hubby asked me why I haven’t started started the backyard garden since I pulled all the vegetable plants when the rains “ruined’ these. By ruined I mean the bitter gourd yield turned orange, the lemongrass wilted, the basil leaves got eaten by aphids and so on.

The seed packets are waiting. The not-soil pack is waiting for me too and I hope it has not expired (if there is such a thing) yet. The lovely colored pots are dusty already. And I can’t find my work gloves.

Excuses, excuses.

Oh wait, I started planting something yesterday, a pandan plant. I hope it will stay alive since I am not sure if it will thrive. If it lives, then we can have pandan rice everyday and pandan jelly and chicken wrapped in pandan leaves. Woot!

I used coffee grounds in the soil by the way, it is good for the soul soil.

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We are saddled with so many choices in life.

Ketchup or salt? Running or walking? To sleep or to watch television?

Yes, as if our life depends on these thing, haha!

We do legwork, canvassing stores for the perfect pair of shoes that not only makes the feet look gorgeous but is slightly cheaper too.

What about bargain hunting during sales, even if one misses a day at work or even has not minded being pushed and shoved?

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