Naruto Uzumaki
Nov 12th 2008greenbucksBlogging101 & Digital World & Philippines & Photos & Visualizations & Wordless Wednesday
Nov 12th 2008greenbucksBlogging101 & Digital World & Philippines & Photos & Visualizations & Wordless Wednesday
Nov 11th 2008greenbucksCurrent Events & For Information & Philippines & World Watch
There are probably millions (documented and otherwise) Filipinos working overseas. In fact, its bound to happen that someone knows somebody who has a family member, whether one or both parents, siblings, cousins and other relatives working abroad.
One can find them almost anywhere, from the crew of vacation cruises going to the Bahamas to those who work in the hotel kitchens and restaurants in the different countries. They take care of the children of families they work for or take care of the aging people needing assisted care. There are those who work for las vegas hotel reservations while others work as nurses, doctors and therapists in hospitals all over the world.They sail big commercial ships while other teach the children in other countries.
These hardworking people send home billion dollars worth of remittances that help keep the economy afloat. Yes, the families back here whose members are working overseas have purchasing powers.
Due to the economic woes all over the world, there is of course, a significant dip in the money being sent home. Purchasing powers are cut, and (drastic) measures of saving for the rainy days are being practiced.
Not bad to cut on the purchases since one can never know how long the jobs can be kept knowing the vulnerability of the world economy is.
Nov 7th 2008greenbucksBlogging101 & Food and Dining & Food Friday & Philippines & Photos & Urban Living
3 pieces of sausages (I used those that were bought from Ilocos, given as “pasalubong”)
1 big tomato, diced
1 onion, diced
2 garlic cloves, minced
3 eggs, beaten
1 teaspoon of cooking oil (I use Canola oil)
2 teaspoons of oyster sauce
salt and pepper to taste
a dash of dried basil
Omelet is a perfect food for those on the go. It is easy to do and can be served during any meal. It can be taken with hot rice, fried rice or bread.
I like mine with fried rice and tomato ketchup.
What is your favorite omelet?
Nov 6th 2008greenbucksBlogging101 & For Information & Thoughts
Last week and this week had been two very relaxing weeks for me. I didn’t have to go to work so there was really no hurry. I did get to wake up early, before the sun was up for my eldest daughter who is being fetched around 5:30am by the school service.
After she has been fetched, I go online. During that time I prepare breakfast.
After breakfast and the younger children had eaten and bathed, I go back to my online world while lunch is starting to be cooked. The kids play or watch DVD or read storybooks or play with their Play-Doh.
After lunch, I nap. Sometimes for an hour. Sometimes more than that.
This routine had gotten me in trouble.
Nov 5th 2008greenbucksAround the Metro & Blogging101 & Motoring & Philippines & Photos & Wordless Wednesday