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Archive for December, 2008

Medium Rare Steak

I wrote my Food Friday entry today because we will be a bit busy tomorrow with school-related activities.

I had a thick slice of medium rare steak last Wednesday night during the annual Christmas party held at the manse of the owner of the intervention center where I work (part-time). We had this kind of food last year, same menu, same plate, please click here.

I chose the medium rare variety between the two types they were offering, had it smothered with a rich mushroom gravy sauce. The thick slice took over half the space of the plate! And to think that this was a big plate 😀

On my plate are buttered whole corn kernels, 2-3 T of garlic rice (can’t resist) and a little pasta carbonara.

I wanted to just put the steak on one plate and the others on a different plate but I didn’t. It would be difficult to walk back from the buffet table to our table holding two plates. Not to mention I would probably look like too hungry (which incidentally I was, lol!).

I wasn’t able to get good photos of my dinner plate because those sitting on with me on our table were giving me weird looks like I have gone insane taking photos of my food! 😀


If I have to eat dinners like this until the holidays are over, I might have to get me some Anoretix 😀


Time’s Top Ten of Everything 2008

With Christmas just a few days away, we only have a few days left to savor the year 2008.

What have you done or not done so far?

How have you been?

Were the visions and dreams when the year started became realities?

Did the positive weighed more than the negatives?

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Christmas Tree Ornaments


Desktop Peripherals

We have limited computer hardware at home: a desktop and two laptops. With three children who love to stay in and play with their computer games during weekends, hubby and I are left with watching DVD, doing house chores or reading for me and napping for the hubby.

Lately, we have been considering getting a new desktop, once the budget allows for it. Since hubby is the resident techie, so to speak, he plans to assemble the peripherals like hard disk, lcd monitor, power supply, motherboard, video card, LAN card, and anything and everything that can be attached to the desktop.

I’m thinking not of a desktop but a laptop so this can be brought anywhere but we will consider these things when the proper time comes.

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Not Just Another One of Those Christmas Posts

There’s no denying that there is really no stopping Christmas Everywhere one looks, its almost as if the word Christmas is written on digital signage!

There’s no denying that a lot of families do not particularly expect to celebrate the holiday especially if they have been hit by these global economic crisis and have only simple plans to celebrate.

That is ok, I guess.

For me, Christmas is not about the food and celebrations, the shopping, the gifts and all things commercialized.

Christmas is about family, just as how it started with a family more than 2,000 years ago.

It is about the coming of God’s Son, Jesus to be with people so that He can teach us about love, faith and all things pertaining to the God.

Its about being humble, giving importance to the more important things in life and accepting one’s circumstances no matter what, without being bitter nor sad when material comforts seem to be lacking.

Sure, gift giving shows not only how much we value or think of our loved ones but this is not the only measure to show our love for them.

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Red and Green Bell Peppers

Red and Green Bell Peppers

Red and green are the colors of Christmas. Maybe this is the reason why these bell peppers are priced sky high during the season. I’m stumped really why this is so.

I love green bell peppers, just the smell alone makes me feel wonderful, I don’t know why. That and onions together. Weird huh? Maybe because I love these on my pizza.

On the other hand, it would be nice to have area rugs with these colors to make the house more Christmas-y and festive which reminds me that I still have to change the throw pillows and use the Christmas designs 🙂


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