Nachos and Spinach Artichoke Dip
Feb 27th 2009greenbucksAround the Metro & Food and Dining & Food Friday & Philippines & Photos & Urban Living
Feb 27th 2009greenbucksAround the Metro & Food and Dining & Food Friday & Philippines & Photos & Urban Living
Feb 25th 2009greenbucksDigital World & Web Tools & World Watch
Downandup or Conficker has invaded millions of computers worldwide.
This perhaps is one problem that had Microsoft scratching its head and burnings the midnight iol in determining who made the worm. In fact they even offered a $250k bounty to whoever will point to the perpetrator. yup, that bad.
So how would this enter one’s computer? One is through USB drives. If in case you want to know how it looks like, click here.
So how should one get ready to “battle” the worm, if it hasn’t invaded yet one’s computer? Click here. Or try to F-Downandup Removal Tool.
Feb 25th 2009greenbucksMotoring & Philippines & Photos & travel & Wordless Wednesday
Feb 24th 2009greenbucksAround the Metro & Philippines & Photos & Urban Living & Wordless Wednesday
Feb 24th 2009greenbucksFor Information & Philippines & Thoughts & Urban Living
These past few days have been scorching and to think that it s still February and summer “officially” starts around March.
I miss the cold weather, never mind if I get allergies and some of the students sneeze on me (ugh).
The “cold” weather we experienced for a few weeks during the past two or three months has been intense at times for us who are used to hot and humid weather.
If only our water pressure is not a problem (illegal connections here and there), we would have considered getting an electric tankless water heater then. How wonderful it must be to use warm water for bathing
But now the warm weather is back and we can only say “Ang init-init!” (Translation: It’s scorching hot!”)
Feb 20th 2009greenbucksAround the Metro & Food and Dining & Food Friday & Philippines & Photos & Urban Living
Gising Gising
Gising Gising is a dish made with vegetables, ground pork and coconut milk. I can’t remember what these green vegetables are (hehe) but this dish is quite unique, I must say.
This may go well with the Fried Tilapia (since these were from the same restaurant called Recipes) for a perfect home-cooked lunch