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Archive for November, 2010

Discount Vouchers

I admit, I’m not one who has a real affinity to online shopping because I’d rather get physically tired and be able to experience the sights, smells and other sensations that go with shopping.

I was surprised though that I signed up with a local discount site where I can buy coupons at an outrageously discounted rate. No kidding.

I got a voucher for facial/acne treatments (which I plan to use before Christmas) and a voucher for a car maintenance service for the hubby.

I missed the spa vouchers so I guess I would have to wait for another one to be offered 🙂

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Web Linked 7

My friends and I were so eager to start a new business venture but due to our busy-ness, we had to hold off for now. Even the website looks kinda sad and neglected, like the group blog. Sigh.

With Christmas fast approaching, this has to be shelved for now but I know we will resume our talks as soon as we have spare time.There is still so much to do:

  • apply for business permits
  • write company profile and objectives
  • submit to web site directory/ies where we hope someone will take notice
  • draft a plan with long-term and short-term goals

For now, we just write down our ideas to be discussed once we sit on the project and allot time for it to develop.

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Cooking Up Something New

Yes, I’m cooking up something new and I’m excited.

I hope I can keep up with all the online sites I currently have.

But, but… I have to be doubly hardworking and stop going to time-stealer sites like Plurk, Facebook and Twitter. Not that active in twitter but I just love reading the links of the news agencies I follow.

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Cajun Chicken Pasta

This is my Filipino version of Cajun Chicken Pasta that I got from The Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond‘s blog. Now, If you don’t know who she is, quick! do click the link to her name and believe me, you WILL spend hours reading her blog.

Chicken Pasta

I know, my pasta pales in comparison with hers, LOL, but hey, the kids got clean plates and even asked for seconds. I used Italian seasoning (combination of different herbs) instead of Cajun seasoning which I’m not sure can be found in the supermarkets. I must look harder next time. We have had this several times since I first tried to cook it.

Now excuse me while I go looking for hot tub covers online 🙂

Ingredients here just in case.


Waiting for My Hoop

I’m waiting for word when my order of a Hoopnotica will arrive. I’m actually thinking of getting a cheap one to use for practice since I (shhh…) don’t know how to use a hoop! 🙁

Pathetic really but I want to lose weight using this device while I’m thinking if I should take women diet pills.

And with Christmas just a few more weeks to go, I really need to get back to a fitness routine or something like it before I look like a bloated whale. Ugh.

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Saving on School Supplies

I am all for saving a few bucks, and who isn’t? Here is how I save on school supplies:

With three kids in school, we need a lot of school supplies that they might need to “bring tomorrow” (thought bubble, why not give instructions earlier and have them bring these after the weekend). We have a “supply box” with short and long bond papers (we use size A4 for printing), pencils and erasers (some from freebies that comes with grocery items), short and long folders and envelopes, art and construction papers and illustration boards. A few boxes of crayons, extra scissors and sharpeners complete the supplies.

Since I attend media events, products launching and what-have-yous and sometimes I go home with some loot in paper bags, we also have a variety of custom presentation folders and paper bags in our supply box too.

Good thing that in their school, the children are asked to use used folders or the back of scratch papers for their school works. Nothing like teaching the children to help save mother Earth and her resources early on.

At the end of every school year, I gather all unused and used school supplies to see what else will find their way to the school bags for next school year.

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