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Archive for the 'food photos' tag

Fried Fish with Herbs

Fried fish with herbs: fresh basil and (dried) rosemary. I also put some garlic and these were fried with butter.

Yum! We had this during one of the cool rainy days a few months ago.


Mussels with Garlic Butter

Below is one of my eldest daughter’s favorite weekend Sunday lunch fare, mussels with butter that has garlic bits and parsley.

Finely chop fresh garlic and fresh parsley and add to butter to make the butter mixture. I think I used spreadable margarine with this batch and fresh basil bits instead of parsley. Works any way, the taste is still good enough.

You can use a food processor for easier handling of the butter mixture. I used this to make it. This mixture can be refrigerated and used with bread that can be paired with any pasta dish.


Nachos and Spinach Artichoke Dip

Nachos with Spinach and Artichoke dip from Ruby Tuesday

Get some and dig in! ๐Ÿ™‚


Gising Gising

Gising Gising

Gising Gising is a dish made with vegetables, ground pork and coconut milk. I can’t remember what these green vegetables are (hehe) but this dish is quite unique, I must say.

This may go well with the Fried Tilapia (since these were from the same restaurant called Recipes) for a perfect home-cooked lunch

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Freshly Baked Bread

From the restaurant where I took photos of the freshly baked pizza I featured and where you can choose the toppings you like for the pizza you make yourself, here is a photo of freshly baked bread. Bow ๐Ÿ™‚


Pizza Toppings

I featured freshly baked pizza two weeks ago and I asked about your favorite pizza toppings. These were the toppings that went with that pizza photo where the onion rings are missing but they are here.

Now here are some pizza toppings. Go choose what you want for your pizza, its all free, right here in this blog ๐Ÿ˜€

If you want these for real though, these can be had here.


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